Egypt Rejects Any Initiative “By passing” Libya’s Parliament


Antonio Tajani(r) and Sameh Shoukry 

Sept 25, 2023. Posted by  Balkan Periscope - Hellas


On Sunday, Egypt’s Foreign Minister, Sameh Shoukry announced that Egypt “firmly opposes any attempts to undermine the role of the Libyan Parliament.”

Highlighting Egypt’s proactive role in the region, Shoukry detailed the nation’s “commitment to peace endeavours in countries like Sudan, Syria, Yemen, and Libya aligned with international law principles and global legitimacy resolutions.”

He added that Egypt’s “robust strategy also encompasses a comprehensive approach to counterterrorism initiatives across Africa.”

Furthermore, Shoukry expressed Egypt’s “staunch support for a political resolution in Libya,” emphasising the importance of “moving beyond the transitional phase with Presidential and Parliamentary elections.” He underscored the “urgency of a timely and unconditional withdrawal of all foreign forces, mercenaries, and fighters from Libyan soil.”

Conclusively, Egypt stands firm on preserving the integrity and role of the Libyan Parliament, raising concerns over any alternative proposals seeking to diminish or replace its legislative authority in line with the constitutional declaration and the Libyan political consensus.

Notably, Italian Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani and Sameh discussed the latest developments in Libya, during a meeting on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

During the meeting on Wednesday, the two exchanged views and perspectives on several regional and international issues of interest, with a particular focus on Libya.

The Egyptian Foreign Ministry stated that Shoukry “affirmed the importance of the completion of the work of Libya‘s 6+6 Joint Committee. This is to pave the way for free, fair, and simultaneous presidential and parliamentary elections.”

On the 10th of September, a devastating storm swept through several eastern regions of Libya, notably the cities of Derna, Benghazi, Al-Bayda, Al-Marj, and Sousse. This resulted in significant destruction and led to the loss of thousands of lives, injuries, and missing individuals.

Egyptian media
