Serbian Government denies PM refused photo shoot in Tirana


Oct 16, 2023. Posted by  Balkan Periscope - Hellas

The Serbian government denied reports on Monday that Prime Minister Ana Brnabic refused to take part in a photo session with other participants of the Berlin Process Summit in Tirana.

Media reports said that Brnabic refused to take part in the photo shoot because the flag of Kosovo was displayed at the summit.

“The government of the Republic of Serbia is forced to deny the writings of certain regional and domestic media, which reported that Prime Minister Ana Brnabic refused to be photographed with other leaders during the participation in the Summit of the Berlin Process in Tirana,” a press release said and added that she was there for the photo shoot.

“Serbia once again showed that it does not pursue a policy of isolation, but that it is oriented towards cooperation and solving all outstanding issues through dialogue.

