Italian media reveal the behind-the-scenes: Here's the truth about Giorgia Meloni's holidays in Albania


Nov 6, 2023. Posted by  Balkan Periscope - Hellas


The Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni caused a sensation in the media when she arrived in Albania in August of this year, when the Albanian government said that the Italian Prime Minister had chosen the Albanian coast to spend her holidays with her family.

She arrived at the port of Vlora on August 14 and was received by Prime Minister Edi Rama, who had earlier invited her to visit Albania this summer. Under strict security measures at the port of Vlora, Meloni was received by Rama himself, as well as employees of the Italian consulate, to escort him to the government villa in Vlora, where a visit was planned.

At the time, Meloni was said to have cut short her holiday at a farm in the Puglia area and set off from Brindisi on a ferry to Vlora with her husband Andrea Giambruno, daughter Ginevra and her sister Arianna and husband Francesco Lollobrigida. She stayed in Vlora for about three days.


About three months after the vacation of the Italian prime minister on the Ionian coast of Albania, it seems that the background of the vacation was a deal for immigrants. The newspaper "Corriere dela Sera" writes today that the protocol for the immigrant centers in Shengjin and Gjadër was closed last August (during the meeting that the two leaders held and which was described as a simple vacation) and will be operational in the spring of 2024. "It is the first agreement of this kind, a historic agreement not only for Italy, but for the entire European Union," it was said at Palazzo Chigi.

